Project Description
PreSkate is the introductory level of CanSkate, the Skate Canada flagship learn-to-skate program.
Start on the Right Foot
Skaters must turn 4 by December 31st. It is designed for children for 4 years old and up with no skating experience . Instruction is on a group basis, with professional coaches on the ice. The sessions mix fun and play, and are 30 minutes long. Helmets are mandatory.
Please be advised that parents/guardians will no longer be able to join their skater on the ice for Pre CanSkate. Rest assure that our skilled coaches and program assistants will take care of the new skaters and build their skills and independence.
When and Where
PreSkate is held in two sessions – Fall (Oct-Dec) and Winter (Jan-Mar). Skaters who progress well may switch to CanSkate at any time on the recommendation of the professional coach.
Full details are available under Registration. For more information contact the Club Administrator at 579-1923.